Friday, March 14, 2008

What is elegance (when it comes to software)?

To start this blog off in style I am going to quote from a book on Agile software development I am currently reading and very impressed with called "Practices of an Agile Developer" by Venkat Subramaniam and Andy Hunt. I was already familiar with Venkat's practices having heard him speak on the No Fluff Just Stuff tour.

Quote #1:

"Software is a complex business. Any fool can write simple elegant software. You'll get fame and recognition (not to mention job security) by writing the most sophisticated, complex programs possible."

Quote #2:

"Develop the simplest solution that works. Incorporate patterns, principles and technology only if you have a compelling reason to use them."

If you identify with Quote number 2 while nodding knowingly as you read Quote number 1 then this blog is for you. Hence its title.

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