Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day One

O.K I am half way through day one of the conference. The key note was good: a nice mixture of practical examples and theory. But I have to agree with this fellow Server Side participant Sean Wall who is little tired on hearing so much criticism of XML. It works where it works.

My favorite session so far is Advanced Unit Testing. Also the Jax-RS (still in development) looks promising as a alternative, not a replacement, of the established web service stack.


Just realized a familar face from the No Fluff Just Stuff conference tour Neal Ford is giving this morning's keynote: "LANGUAGE-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: Shifting Paradigms". Nice.

Good to go

Arrived safely yesterday and registered with the conference. Received a free book called Building Spring 2 by the folks at Interface 21. Judging by the size of the rooms they are expecting a lot of people although disappointingly I didn't see many power outlets. Hopefully they just havn't set them up yet...

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Next week I am attending the Server Sides Java Symposium in Las Vegas. The agenda is up online.

One the sessions which really caught my eye is self scaling java based architectures in the cloud by Jinesh Varia

Heres a taste:

"One new way to architect your applications is to build it "in-the-cloud" - Keeping your components loosely coupled and independent to each other, and therefore able to scale well. For building architectures in-the-cloud, many developers use multiple Amazon Web Services, for example an array of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances tied together with a bunch of Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) message queues, reading and writing data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)."

Friday, March 14, 2008

What is elegance (when it comes to software)?

To start this blog off in style I am going to quote from a book on Agile software development I am currently reading and very impressed with called "Practices of an Agile Developer" by Venkat Subramaniam and Andy Hunt. I was already familiar with Venkat's practices having heard him speak on the No Fluff Just Stuff tour.

Quote #1:

"Software is a complex business. Any fool can write simple elegant software. You'll get fame and recognition (not to mention job security) by writing the most sophisticated, complex programs possible."

Quote #2:

"Develop the simplest solution that works. Incorporate patterns, principles and technology only if you have a compelling reason to use them."

If you identify with Quote number 2 while nodding knowingly as you read Quote number 1 then this blog is for you. Hence its title.